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Thoughts & Inspiration

The Global Church

Over the last 11 months, I’ve been privileged to get to experience the local church in each country we’ve served in. It’s been on my heart to share about each of the churches and the ways that their worship as the body of Christ impacted me.

Guatemala City, Guatemala

We visited our host’s father’s church in the city. On this particular day, the service lasted 3 hours. It was in a large warehouse, with hundreds of plastic chairs, and everyone wore their best clothes. I remember that day was in the week with the devastating hurricanes, and we prayed fervently for God’s protection of the people and places. I loved the worship in Spanish, because it always stirs my heart with passion that our God cares about every nation, tribe and tongue. The Guatemalans were enthusiastically worshipping and then intently listened to God’s Word be preached. We were even invited up to pray over one member of their congregation who was leaving the country on mission to spread the gospel. It encouraged me to see the global church sending out believers to labor in the harvest. It is plentiful! Over the course of our time in Guatemala, I got to see over 20 Guatemalans answer the Lord’s call on their life to go to the nations with the gospel.

Hope Church – Craiova, Romania

We partnered with Hope Church for 8 weeks in Romania. It is a church plant, and we got to be a part of many church planting activities. That included a lot of street evangelism, inviting people to church, and hosting youth nights. Hope Church really values the discipleship of their congregation. This church met in the bottom of a bank building, and every time we had a large event, we met in another church’s location. One thing that deeply impacted me was their value of baptism. When members of their congregation wanted to be baptized to profess their faith in Jesus, they held it at the larger church and took it as an opportunity to invite people from their families and community to join in worship, to hear the testimonies of those being baptized, and to share the gospel with everyone in the room. I loved the celebration it was…such a reminder of the joy in heaven over one sinner returning to God!

Eagles Church – Tirana, Albania

For about 4 weeks, I got to be on a team that partnered with Eagles Church. Their small church was sweet and refreshing each time we gathered. I think our team of 8 just about doubled their numbers! Each week, one of us was asked to share our testimony before the sermon. I loved that they wanted to hear about the ways that God has moved in our lives or in our Race experience. They were learning about listening to the voice of God and leaving our lives in his hands…surrender! I really valued their humility in wanting to learn from us, their sisters in Christ, even though we had just met.

Jesus Brought Us Together Church – Elbasan, Albania

During our one ATL week in Elbasan, our team visited JBUT church. This church was probably one of the sweetest churches I’ve ever been to. We were greeted with friendly smiles and warm hugs as we sat down for the service. We sang Albanian worship songs and even heard a few familiar tunes. Afterward, the pastor got up and shared for about 10 minutes from Luke. My favorite part of the service followed. The congregation was asked if they had any word or encouragement or testimony from the week to share! I was so encouraged by their eagerness to share the ways they had seen God move that week, or anything that they felt the Holy Spirit was leading them to exhort or admonish each other in. It was so sweet. They invited us to share, too, and we were honored to speak and pray.

Canakkale, Turkey

For 5 weeks, we served with a church in Canakkale, Turkey. This was the first church we were a part of in the 10/40 window, the part of the world that’s least-reached with the gospel. This church is pastored by a family from Bulgaria. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, it greatly impacts me to see believers from other nations going to other nations to serve the Lord. We got to be a part of this church during the Islamic Ramadan month, and during our Palm Sunday and Easter celebrations. The contrast of hopelessness in the city vs. hopefulness inside the church was beautiful. Many Sundays, we welcomed believers from other countries in the church, and worshipped accordingly! On Easter, we worshipped in 6 languages, with 6+ countries represented in the room. It was a slice of heaven on earth. One thing I loved about this church was their desire to see people operating in their gifting’s. We are all parts of the body of Christ, and individually members of it. They empowered us to serve the church in the ways that God had gifted us, and we were excited to do so! My friend Jakson even got to sing a few Psalms in Opera for the congregation!

Middle East

For 4 weeks, our team served at a church in the ME. This church was primarily made up of Iraqi refugees, and being a part of their church showed me how much God has created my heart with a love for people who have been displaced from their families and homes. This church was so well-functioning and healthy. It was refreshing! Their programs, like school, health clinic, home visits, a wood shop, etc. were established to equip the believers with skills and education that would help them in the future. One thing that I loved about this church was their love for discipleship. Each weekday morning, they hosted a 30 minute devotional time with Arabic worship and scripture reading. Mostly adults attended this before heading to work. On Tuesdays, the devo was a one hour Discovery Bible Study, where we studied the word in depth and discussed it in small groups and as a large group. Even the school classes attended this! I loved their desire for people to search the Word and learn about God together.

Abundant Grace Church – Chiang Mai, Thailand

Lastly, Abundant Grace Church is a church that our Bella Goose barista friend attends. She brought me there on two Sunday’s during our time in Thailand. This church sang each song in part with English and Thai. They led so humbly! I was so encouraged by the sermon and the sound biblical teaching. It was convicting, encouraging, life-giving, and made me want to live in a manner worthy of the gospel–just what a sermon is supposed to do! What I especially appreciated about AGC is that every Sunday they share in the Lord’s Supper. I loved that they led us to take communion and bring our hearts before the Lord. It was a much needed re-centering and really reminded me that we are collectively part of one Body of Christ as believers. I’m grateful for how this church desires to be a people set-apart in this city!

I love the Church. I love the Bride of Christ. I’m humbled that I’m a part of it. I can’t wait for Jesus’ return for his Bride. In the meantime, I desire to love the local church wherever I am and to be an active member of the body of Christ. No church is perfect, and neither am I. But one day, Jesus will redeem his Church, and there will be healing where there was brokenness, reconciliation where there was hurt, freedom where there was bondage, and grace where it was underserved. Thank you, God!

The Church matters to God, so it matters to me.

Kara Grace <3