
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Much to our surprise and delight, Daddy Day Care had the privilege of visiting the ruins of Troas. Truthfully, I was unaware that such rich Biblical history was only a short drive from our stomping grounds in Çanakkale. The coast of Turkey is peppered with history of Paul’s missionary journeys and the country is home to the seven Churches addressed in John’s vision in Revelation.

This particular city, Troas, used to be vast and beautiful. It was a hub for mercantilism because of its position as a port city along the Aegean Sea. Here are some fun facts about it:

Alexandria Troas is the site of an ancient Greek city situated on the Aegean Sea near the northern tip of Turkey’s western coast.

In Roman times, it was a significant port for travelling between Anatolia and Europe. According to the account in the Acts of the Apostles, Paul of Tarsus sailed for Europe for the first time from Alexandria Troas and returned there from Europe.

By 1911…the circuit of the old walls could still be traced, and in several places they were fairly well preserved. They had a circumference of about ten kilometers and were fortified with towers at regular intervals. Remains of an ancient bath and gymnasium complex can be found within this area.”

As we walked around these sites, I was captivated by the existence of the old ruins. Earthquakes had shaken up the stone arches, time and weather had worn out the walls and bathhouses, and foliage and trees had overgrown the old paths and common places. It was hard to imagine that a market full of color and textiles used to fill the streets, or that there used to be rhythm and rhyme to the pace of life in the city. It was barren and broken but it represented a certain beauty that took my breath away. I was awestruck by the reality that Truth itself stands the test of time. God’s Word is Truth. How beautiful to think of that. The Old Testament was still the truth in those years of Roman rule. The New Testament was in the process of being written as the early church spread like wildfire to other towns, cities, and nations from these very areas. As I looked around, I couldn’t help but gasp (Michael can attest to this!) at the good news that the truth of the Bible has remained the same. Peter writes it so well, and it’s no coincidence that he was writing this book to believers in what is now modern-day Turkey.

1 Peter 1:23-25, “since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; for

“All flesh is like grass

    and all its glory like the flower of grass.

The grass withers,

    and the flower falls,

but the word of the Lord remains forever.”

And this word is the good news that was preached to you”

I’m grateful for the Word of God that will remain forever. When the cities crumble to ruins, we know and believe that the Word will stand. The Lord is our mighty Rock and our fortress; our refuge is God.

I’ve included some pictures from our exploration with captions to explain their significance!

This is where the ancient port would have been, and those stone pillars were part of it. In Acts 16, Paul receives a vision and leaves from this port in obedience, taking the Gospel to Europe for the first time!
This is one of the bathhouses in the city!
Elijah and I geeked that you can still read the Greek inscription!
Out here thriving in the adventure and learning of the day!


One of the stone arches. Now it is held up by metal and wood support. Earthquakes caused the majority of the damage to the structural integrity of Troas.










Beautiful pillars!


This is believed to be the church where Paul preached in Acts 20 and resurrected the boy who fell from the window!
Freaking out about this Acts 20 church !!!
















With love!

Kara Grace <3

You matter to God, so you matter to me.