
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey there!!

First off, I just want to say THANK YOU to each one of you who has supported me throughout this whole process. I am so grateful for the ways that you have encouraged me, affirmed my calling, prayed for me, supported financially, and loved me so well.

I am so excited to be writing this blog post to share life updates with you. Time truly flies when you are having fun, and these past 5 months have not disappointed! So, here’s what’s been going on in my life and with World Race preparations!

FEBRUARY – This was the month that my internship at Hill City Community Church really took off. We started in January but got into a lot of content in February. The interns quickly became close friends, and I am so grateful for how the Lord knit our hearts together. I learned so much about discipleship, vulnerability, and community. (I have since finished the internship and am blown away by all that the Lord taught me. I am excited about the calling on my life to make disciples who make disciples in all seasons of life).

MARCH – Most memorable in March was our last (for now) whole family Spring Break trip! We took a trip to Steamboat Springs, CO and skied for 4 days!! I fell in love with the Outdoor Recreation industry and absolutely loved Colorado (move there someday?!?). This was such a refreshing family trip, I am so grateful for them. Back at LU, we threw in a few McDonald’s Diet Coke runs and a few Taco Tuesdays to get us through Midterms and endless due dates. We had so many good laughs!!

APRIL – This was such a sweet month!!!! My parents visited us at LU and my dad baptized my sister in front of her closest friends and biggest fans!! We love her!! That weekend my older brother and I took graduation pictures (adding some below!) before he left on his Army deployment mid-April. On April 9th, I ran my first half-marathon!! SO proud and stoked for the next one. This was the last full month in college, & it was one to remember. My best friends and roommates shared some tears over all that we have seen the Lord do in our lives and hearts throughout college, but mostly we enjoyed lots of Matcha, coffee, beach volleyball, and sleepovers!! I loved April.

MAY – I graduated COLLEGE!!! I finished with a Bachelor’s in Science in Criminal Justice: Strategic Intelligence, and Government. To God be all the glory! These past 4 years at Liberty University have been some of the sweetest, hardest, most refining and rewarding years of my life. I am so grateful to the Lord for his grace in sustaining me in every moment and the hundreds of times that He revealed himself to me as Father, Friend, Savior, and Refuge. May in Charlotte consisted of coffee dates with college friends, busy lunches at Jimmy John’s, boat days on Lake Norman, and runs with my mom and sister.

JUNE – I began a job at the US National Whitewater Center as a Raft Guide. I LOVE what I get to do!! I am blown away that this is the assignment the Lord has given me this summer. In every season of our lives, we are given a circle of people to love and steward in a capacity that no other believer in the world has!! Each of our callings is so unique, no matter how mundane they may seem. I am excited to be a light at the usnwc and to share the love of Jesus through words and service to my coworkers.

Over these past few months, the Lord has provided so much support for me. I have been so encouraged by those of you who reach out in prayer for me and for those who financially partnered with me for this trip. From college friends to mentors to childhood friends to grandparent’s friends to family, you guys have encouraged and loved me so well through your giving and support. Thank you.

I am excited to announce that I am FULLY FUNDED for the World Race!! Praise the Lord!!! He is a God who provides, and he does it in his timing and his method. I truly feel so grateful. Being fully funded this early was not what I expected, but it was God’s grace on me as I am not feeling overwhelmed by fundraising while trying to enjoy this summertime with family, at work, and with friends before leaving. So anyone who has prayed over my fundraising, who has given, bought a sweatshirt, adopted a box, or checked in with me, thank you–THANK YOU—thank you!!! Thanks be to God who supplies our every need.

As of right now, I am compiling a list of gear that I will need for the race. This includes big-ticket items like a backpacking backpack, a backpacking tent, and sleeping bag and pad. This also includes smaller items like packing cubes, a life straw, stuff sacks, toiletries, bug spray, etc. If you are interested in helping me get these things together, just let me know!

Prayer Requests:

Please join me in prayer for the people in my circles this summer: my family, friends, and coworkers. I want to steward these relationships well! Pray that I would have the boldness, and love for those around me, to share the gospel. Please pray that I would hunger for the Lord and his Word, not only to prepare for the year to come, but to restore my soul in the here and now.

Please reach out with any life updates and prayer requests of your own!! You matter to God, so you matter to me.


2 responses to “Life Updates!”

  1. KARA! I can’t believe I get to be your mom! I’m so proud of you! You are known for love, and I can’t wait to see how the Lord uses you this coming year! I love you!

  2. Wow! Such a busy but beautiful season! Praying for the Lord to do just as you’ve asked: for sweet intimacy in this season with Him and favor amongst your coworkers that their lives would be changed by the love of the Lord!